Health information exchange describes the process of mobilizing health information through electronic means across various concerned organizations within a given hospital system, community or region. This process involves moving clinical information through different health care information systems while ensuring that the integrity and meaning of the information is maintained exactly as it was in its original state. The smooth and seamless exchange of clinical data and information is critical for delivering high quality health care information.Why it’s Important and How the Government is Promoting ItHealth information exchange describes the process of mobilizing health information through electronic means across various concerned organizations within a given hospital system, community or region. This process involves moving clinical information through different information systems while ensuring that the integrity and meaning of the information is maintained exactly as it was in its original state. The smooth and seamless exchange of clinical data and information is critical for delivering high quality care. Thus it also plays a major role in determining the effectiveness of organizations.Although the advantages of efficient sharing of health care information among concerned parties, including patients and physicians and other authorized members are understood and desired by most people who are involved in health care system, very few organizations have actually gone ahead and taken full advantage of the technological progress made in the area of health informatics and computer science. Health care information exchange involves various technology based systems like interoperability, business information systems, standards utilization, and harmonization. All of these need to be established on local, state and national level to provide a seamless network of information.According to David Blumenthal, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, if a standardized system of electronic health records can be put into widespread use it can lead to highly improved levels of efficiency and patient safety, and significantly better quality.An efficient information system has got several benefits to offer to all parties involved in the field of health care whether they are service providers or consumers. It allows health care professionals to conveniently access and retrieves relevant and complete medical data which helps them in providing patient-centered care that is more efficient, effective and timely. A well established health related information exchange system would also provide public health officials with a ready and in-depth database of public information which they can reliably use in analyzing health of the population effectively.
Tag Archives: mental health
Treadmill Desks Assist Small Businesses in Lowering Cost of Health Care
Walking has been shown clinically to prevent the onset of our nations leading diseases including Type 2 diabetes and some of the most virulent strains of cancer. Consistent daily walking has been shown as an effective means of warding off disease, maintaining health and significantly decreasing the need for medical treatment, yet most Americans walk much less than the minimum recommended guidelines of 10,000 steps a day set by the Surgeon General due to the sedentary nature of our employment. As a result we have an overweight population with all of the health concerns that accompany issues of obesity.The National Coalition on Health Care (NCHC) reports that total spending on health care was $2.3 trillion last year, equivalent to $7600 per person. Health insurance premiums for a family of four sky rocketed to $12,100 during this same period and single coverage premiums averaged more than $4,400 annually.One tactic to save on health care is to buy high deductible “catastrophic” health insurance which is significantly less expensive (as much as 50%-75% less) however this strategy must be combined with a commitment towards exercise and a healthy lifestyle.The good news is that exercise does not have to be overly strenuous. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report that walking three times per week for a minimum of 30 minutes reduces the risk of mortality from disease by 57%.Unfortunately 2/3 of the American population is now categorized as overweight according to the CDC and less than 10% of the population is exercising on a regular basis. While Congress must focus on ridding our health care system of excessive administrative costs, fraud and mismanagement there must also be a call for personal action. Prevention through a healthier lifestyle and exercise should play an integral role in our growing health care crisis but few politicians wish to risk the backlash of telling Americans they need to get out of their chairs and start moving.Desperate for answers, some state governments are considering instituting a “carrot and stick approach” to medical insurance programs. Alabama recently enacted a $300.00 annual increase for health care premiums to state employees that do not meet minimum health requirements and are unwilling to join their state wellness plan. Other nations are instituting more stringent guidelines as well. Japan has implemented a national program fining corporations if their employees do not meet specific weight and waistline guidelines.Rising health care costs and insurance premiums are taking the availability of health care out of the hands of millions and placing a tremendous burden on our economy according to the NCHC, accounting for approximately 16% of our current GDP and expected to rise to 20% of GDP in eight years.Now that health care costs are rising at 2-3 times the rate of inflation an emphasis on prevention seems more critical now more than ever before. Treadmill desks offer a solution which empowers employees to take control of their personal health and reduce their costs of medical care at the same time.